Monday, May 3, 2021

Why Does Garfield Hate Mondays?

I always wondered why Garfield hated Mondays? As a cat, what could he possibly hate about a certain day of the week when it's not like he had to go to work, school or do anything besides sleep, eat and lounge all day. Cats generally have a pretty good thing going for them.

In some Garfield comics, Mondays bring a little bit of bad luck to the orange fat cat but it's usually shown as him tripping or getting a pie thrown in his face. Yes, that's bad but nothing that's so bad that would have him hating Mondays. But I guess that's why fans find him so relatable because so many people hate Mondays. As an optimist, my approach to Mondays is probably a bit like Jon's, I'm happy about it. I know it can be annoying to everyone else which is the same as being a morning person. No one seems to like a happy cheerful person in the morning and especially on a Monday.

Well, Happy Monday everyone!

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