Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Comic Book Wednesday: June 2nd

Happy Comic Book Wednesday!

Surprisingly, I have no comics to pick up this week, something that doesn't happen that often. I'm not sure if I want to go to the comic book store to see if there are any books that I might want to read or use that time to catch up on my reading. I'm sure I'm not the only comic book fan who has a lot of books to get caught up on.

Since I don't have any books on my list, I figure we could have a little discussion. Are there any superhero shows or movies you haven't watched but want to? For shows, I want to watch the Harley Quinn animated series and the Titans live action series. I've heard really good things about the first and mixed reviews about the second, hopefully they're both worth watching. As for movies, I still haven't seen Joker or The New Mutants, I can't say I'm in a big rush to see them either. For some reason, they don't seem to spark any interest for me.

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