Monday, November 29, 2021

Book Girl Thoughts: I Love Watching TV!

I love to watch TV. It helps me relax. That isn't to say I don't love to read (I really do, I read a lot) or be active (I exercise quite often), but a good TV show—whether it's old, new, a comedy, drama or animated—sets my brain on relaxation, allowing me to reserve my energy for when I need it for important things such as family, work, etc.

I'm not alone in this love of watching TV. The average person watches at least 34 hours or more of television a week—which is a lot, especially considering how so many of us (including myself) complain about never having enough time to do anything. Still, I'm a big defender of watching TV. Of course, we all know there is such a thing as too much TV. But I think as long as you're not mindlessly watching random shows but instead are actively watching something you really want to. Then I don't see it as something bad.

I really enjoy destressing watching some of my favorite shows but I also think TV shows and characters can be inspirational. Because there are all types of characters from independent working women to characters that are continuing to become more diverse whether it's by gender, ethnicity, sexuality, etc. I just love that TV shows are constantly improving and I hope it continues. So, whether you're watching shows you want to watch or mindlessly using the TV to zone out or as background noise, we as a society really do love TV, in some shape or form.

(The Chair)

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