Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Four Things I Do to Get a Good Night's Sleep

According to numerous reports, we as a society are not getting enough sleep. I like to think I'm well rested and despite whatever crazy schedule I might have, I always try to make sure to get a good night's worth of sleep. Here are four things I consistently like to do to make sure I get plenty of good quality sleep.

1. Unplug: According to medical reports, the blue light from computer and phone screens tricks the brain into thinking it's daytime. So I like to step away from being online at least an hour or two before going to bed.

2. Journaling: Sometimes my mind is way too active to go to sleep. So before going to bed, I like to clear my mind and organize my thoughts by writing everything down in either in a journal or a notebook.

3. Stretch: Right before going to bed I like to do a few stretches. Nothing too strenuous just some relaxing stretches to relax my body along with some calming deep breaths.

4. Unwind: Before going to bed, I like to read, do Sudoku, crossword puzzles or word search to let myself and my brain unwind and disengage before going to bed.

Doing these four things really does help to relax so I can easily fall asleep.

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