Thursday, November 4, 2021

TV Review: My Thoughts on 9-1-1 S5 Ep 6: Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1

I am absolutely loving this fifth season of 9-1-1 and this week's sixth episode Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1, was really good. It had the fire fighters called to a fire at a prison and then ended up with some of the team (Captain Robert "Bobby" Nash, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson and Ravi Panikkar) trapped and unable to leave with the riot becoming out of control. While Evan "Buck" Buckley and Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz in the ambulance were taken hostage by two prison escapees. This episode had plenty of drama from beginning to end but it also had some nice quiet moments too like the scene near the end with Eddie and his son Christopher.

I loved seeing Hen helping Dr. Cochran, the doctor at the prison and that she got to help perform surgery on a patient. Although, Hen's in medical school, I think helping the doctor gave her a chance to decide which area of medicine she wanted to specialize in. I thought it was so cool and motivating that even after being trapped in a prison for I don't know how many hours along with probably additional hours waiting at the hospital, that Hen was still planning on going to class. I guess nothing is going to stop her from achieving her goal of becoming a doctor. If that's not inspiration, then I don't know what is.

While, Hen was helping the doctor, Bobby and Ravi were working on an interesting way to get them out of the prison. Although, Ravi has been around since the fourth season working on emergency calls off screen with the B shift, however, this fifth season he has been working with the A shift and I think he's really getting a reality check of the dangers of the job. I think he has what it take to be a fire fighter, he's just not as used to all the craziness and danger as the rest of the team. I like that Bobby as both captain and friend was taking Ravi out to breakfast so that Ravi could talk and decompress after the harrowing day they've been through.

Not to be forgotten is Sergeant Athena Grant and Captain Elaine Maynard, I love how they were able to figure out where Mitchell was going and they set up a pretty good trap for him even if Buck got caught in it.

The rest of the story focused on Eddie and Buck and I love the contrast between them in this episode. Because as usual Eddie was calm and collected and I'm sure his military training helped with this stressful situation of being held hostage. What I find interesting is that earlier this season, Eddie was having panic attacks over his relationship with Dr. Ana Flores and he was trying to stay in a relationship that wasn't working for him and it was causing him to have health issue, major panic attacks. Meanwhile, in this episode he's being held hostage by two prison escapees who have guns and to most people that would be considered a far more stressful situation but Eddie wasn't stressed out at all. He was obviously mad and was controlling his actions instead of doing something without thinking and getting himself and Buck killed. But the situation wasn't bringing up any sort of panic for him.

Something I always liked is that Eddie is so level-headed and cool under pressure, he can think clearly and figure out a solution which is probably why Mitchell wanted to keep him as a hostage instead of Buck. Because despite Mitchell having a gun, it felt like Eddie was in charge and was keeping the situation under control which wouldn't have happened if Buck was still there.

As for Buck, he was true to form, with all his emotions on full display. I'm not sure if the writers ever plan on making Buck and Eddie a couple but I do know there is a deep connection between them and that Eddie and Eddie's son Christopher are very important to Buck. They mean so much to Buck that he was willing to put himself in harms way three times.

The first time was when Mitchell made a not so subtle threat in regards to Christopher which caused Buck to approach the escapees which resulted in him getting hit with a gun. The second time was when Mitchell told Buck to leave the ambulance and go into the hospital with the other escapee but Buck didn't want to leave Eddie in the ambulance with Mitchell. And not even a threat of being killed made Buck want to leave. So Mitchell used Buck's emotions and protectiveness for Eddie and Christopher as leverage, he threatened to kill them to get Buck to leave the ambulance and go into the hospital with the other prison escapee. The third time was when Buck was in the hospital waiting out the hostage situation when he heard a gun shot and immediately ran outside. You can tell the only thing on his mind was getting to Eddie because he thought his best friend might have been shot. Buck didn't think about the fact the he could have been running into an active shooting situation, the only thing was him frantically trying to get to Eddie.

As a fan of this show, it's hard not to see that there is just something between Buck and Eddie that's way more than platonic and it seems to deepen the more the show goes on. Whether or not Eddie and Buck become a couple they have a connection that's very special.

As for a romantic relationship that Buck is in, I don't know if the writing is on the wall for the end of Buck and Taylor Kelly's relationship but it's starting to look like it. Their scenes this season continue to be awkward and lack chemistry and a deeper connection. She's trying too hard to show affection (which doesn't seem to come naturally to her) and she's still trying to be the perfect girlfriend trying to comfort him (which yet again doesn't seem to come naturally to her). I think initially when he got home, he seemed happy to be greeted by her but he soon started to pull away from her. I noticed that whenever he's home and around her, Buck never seems to be himself and seems very guarded and not at ease. I do wonder if Taylor always being in his apartment could have something to do with it and that he never seems to have any time alone to decompress and process his thoughts. Production wise, I'm sure it's easier to film scenes in Buck's apartment instead of building a set for her. But as a viewer, it makes me think I've missed the memo that they've moved in together and they're trying to figure out how to connect with each other.

Anyway, it's hard not to notice how weird and uncomfortable their relationship is. Ever since they jumped into a relationship while Buck was dealing with all the trauma following Eddie being shot at the end of the fourth season, it's been awkward. They started out in season two hooking up and then in the fourth season they were trying to be friends which by the season finale became more. And in all that short amount of time during the fourth season, I don't think they really got to know each other. Because nearly all of their friendship conversations were mainly about work. The writers made a point of showing Buck and Taylor's friendship revolving around work with no real deeper connection growing between them. Sure, they still had chemistry from the second season but that was the only thing they had which is not enough if the writers wanted to put them in a relationship. They never really got around to actually getting to know each other to know what each others wants and needs are. And so far their relationship this season is reflecting that.

There is something about Taylor in this episode that seems very suspicious. I get the feeling that she's hiding something big and she doesn't want to tell Buck about it, at least for now. It's hard not to notice how shifty she seemed especially after the director made a point to show her face and her shifty eye movement when she was hugging Buck. I know a lot fans are speculating that she's going to use the prison riot/hostage situation and report on it. But I'm not so sure.

Although, I think she was truly fishing for information when she was talking to Buck, I found it interesting that Buck only told her the bare minimum of what happened during the riot/hostage situation because I don't think he truly trust her not to use something he might tell her. Anyway, I think she's acting really weird and suspicious and it has nothing to do with the riot/hostage situation because I think she's working on a really big story that may put a strain on their relationship. And she's not sure if she should tell him about it before it airs. My other theory is that she might have been offered her dream job and is deciding whether or not to accept it. My speculations whether it's a big story or her dream job aside, I really think she's hiding something. I guess I'll find out what she's up to and whether their relationship will end as the story continues to unfold.

This was a very good episode and I can't wait to see next Monday's Halloween episode Ghost Stories which was initially supposed to have aired this Monday but was surprisingly switched with Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1 and moved to next week. And I really can't wait to see it.

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