Friday, December 17, 2021

Fandom Friday: Random Fandom Thoughts #15: The Witcher, Natalie Irons and more

Where has the month gone? It's already half way over. But there is still so much fandom stuff that's happening and I want to know what's on your mind?

- The second season of The Witcher premieres today and I can't wait to see it. Although, I loved the first season, the second season looks like it's going to be even better than the first. I really want to know what happened to Yennefer and what big threat they're going up against in this new season.

- I wonder how Natalie Irons being on Earth-Prime will affect both her and Lois Lane during the upcoming second season of Superman & Lois? With Natalie being the daughter of the alternate universe's Lois Lane and Henry Irons, it's bound to cause some type of issues for everyone. I also hope that at some point Natalie will get to know her alternate universe brothers Jonathan and Jordan Kent. I really want them to have a real sibling relationship with each other.

Okay, total side note, I hope Clark Kent will go back to being a reporter in the second season, this show seems to forget that Clark was a reporter as well. As much as I love Lois being the amazing journalist that she is, I think it would great to see Clark back out there uncovering the truth alongside her.

(Natalie Irons       Superman & Lois season 1 episode 15: Last Sons of Krypton)

- Something that has really annoyed me about the first half of the fifth season of 9-1-1 was that the writers/showrunners were distancing Evan "Buck" Buckley from Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz and his son Christopher Diaz. It was like the writers went out of their way to put as much distance between Buck and the Diazes this season to focus on Buck's lackluster relationship with his girlfriend Taylor Kelly. And in the process it ruined the close relationship that Buck had with Eddie and Chris as well as ruined Buck's character development.

During this first half of the season Buck has regressed so much being in this relationship with Taylor but I guess that the only way it would make sense to the writers having Buck go back to chasing someone for love. Buck has been rewritten to show him being more focused on trying to find a Christmas gift for Taylor instead of being worried about Eddie and Chris who were struggling and not having him be there for them. It seems like the writers are trying to rewrite this connection between Buck, Eddie and Chris that has developed and grown during seasons 2-4 into something less substantial. By the end of the first half of the fifth season, Buck and Eddie seem like nothing more than mere co-workers instead of the deep connection that they had along with Buck's love for Christopher. It's all in favor of pushing a romantic relationship between Buck and Taylor that lacks chemistry which required Buck to regress as a character to seem plausible to work, which by the way it doesn't.

A lot of fans (including myself) were not happy with the writing for this first half and the show received a lot backlash and bad and negative reviews. I'm hoping the second half of the season will return with better writing which also includes fixing the distant relationship between Buck, Eddie and Chris.

(Buck, Chris and Eddie          9-1-1 season 3 episode 9: Fallout)

- A couple of days ago I mentioned that dance movies have been on my mind and they still are. I would really like to have a movie marathon but I'm not sure which movies to watch. From ballet to street dance, there's plenty of options to choose from. Although, I never did rewatch the Step Up movies, maybe I'll watch those. There's this quote about those movies that's always stuck with me. I don't remember where I saw it but someone said that the Step Up movies were The Fast & The Furious of dance movies. Because it's so true. Both franchises centers around an eclectic group of misfits and each sequel kept getting more ridiculous than the last yet they're still so much fun to watch. Now it's making me want to rewatch The Fast and the Furious movies too.

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