Thursday, March 17, 2022

Can You Spot the Difference: 9-1-1

Okay, who remembers doing these Can You Spot the Difference picture games? I used to love doing these games a kid. It was fun to see if I could find everything that missing or added on. With that said, let see if we can spot the difference between these two 9-1-1 pictures. I'll put my answer in the comments.

Photo Credit: USA Network  (Instagram: usa_network)

1 comment:

Book Girl said...

My answer:

1) Los Angeles is missing from the fire truck in the top picture

2) 118 is missing from the fire truck in the top picture

3) Buck is missing his tattoo in bottom picture

4) Bobby's shirt is missing the logo on his shirt in the bottom picture

5) USA is missing in the top picture (I'm not really sure if this one counts or not but I included it anyway)

Let me know if you spot anything else that's missing or added on.