Wednesday, April 20, 2022

How to Fix the Problem of Jonah Greenway and Lucy Donato on 9-1-1

After watching Dumb Luck, Monday's episode of 9-1-1, I thought it was a really good episode (I may post a review later) but I couldn't help thinking how unnecessary Jonah Greenway and Lucy Donato were. Both new characters were introduced in the second half of the fifth season and neither one has been very well received by fans because they feel like unnecessary characters added on to an already large cast. One way I thought to have made both of them more interesting is if the writers had Jonah and Lucy being serial killers. There's already something a bit sinister about Jonah while Lucy sort of gives off bad vibes as well.

(Lucy Donato and Jonah Greenway      9-1-1 season 5 episode 14: Dumb Luck)

It's been mentioned quite often in interviews that Lucy is from a family of cops and I figured growing up around them she's picked up plenty of tips and tricks from hearing them discussing various cases of crime and murder. With all that information, plus her firefighting training and hands on murdering experience, she will know how to kill someone and get rid of the body without anyone in law enforcement becoming suspicious. With Jonah being a Paramedic, he has a pretty extensive medical knowledge at his disposal to use in his serial killing actions.

Lucy and Jonah have careers where they help people but that also gives them access to potential victims as well. To me they would have made the perfect serial killer duo. How I see it, they have both been operating separately for years throughout Los Angeles going undetected by criminal profilers and their unsuspecting co-workers and friends (if they have any). Once they were both hired at the 118 station as replacements for Howard "Chimney" Han and Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz, they recognized in each other a kindred spirit as both outsiders and serial killers. This would also explain why they have better chemistry with each other than they did with anyone else on the team, that happy hour scene between the two of them in Dumb Luck really showed that.

Jonah's attempt to save (or should I say kill) the guy who had been bitten by tarantulas in the episode Fear-O-Phobia didn't go as planned because it caught his Paramedic partner Henrietta "Hen" Wilson's attention along with Fire Captain Robert "Bobby" Nash. I also noticed it caught Lucy's attention which is when she realized that he was a killer just like her. I figure that they would decide to team up after Lucy was feeling so out of sorts that the lady she rescued had survived in the episode Dumb Luck because she really wanted her to have died. But her firefighter training kicked in and she saved the lady from falling instead of her "accidentally" dying. Not liking their chances killing separately (because everyone in the 118 is too observant), they decide to team up and become the ultimate serial killer duo targeting potential victims on and off duty.

It would also explain Lucy's smile at seeing the woman she rescued again, it would give her a second chance to kill her. Meanwhile, Jonah could be cooking up some plan to either get Hen or Chimney. Because although he tried his best but he never quite clicked with his Paramedic partner Hen because she wanted her best friend and partner Chimney back. He seems to have a bit of a fixation on Hen so I don't think he would do anything to her but he might take out his frustration about being transferred to another station once Chim returned to the job. In the episode Outside Looking In, Jonah seemed to think that the 118 was "the station" to work at. He thinks they're the super stars of firefighting but in reality that station is cursed. So many bad things have happened to so many of the firefighters there, I don't understand how he considers it to be the popular firehouse.

I would like to think that Lucy and Jonah could have been going on for years separately as serial killers unsuspected by their co-workers at various stations that is until they got hired at the 118 and accidentally slip up and someone from the 118 or Police Sergeant Athena Grant started to become suspicious of a potential serial killer in the area. I really think making Lucy and Jonah into sinister characters would have been much more interesting than the boring and bland way they are currently being shown and taking up screentime. The viewers and fans already dislike both characters why not take the negative energy both characters bring out in fans and make them the best villains this show has ever had. If the showrunners and writers are so set on introducing new characters at least make them interesting.

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