Tuesday, May 16, 2023

9-1-1 Ends the Sixth Season with Queerbaiting

It's a not so good Tuesday morning for 9-1-1 fans especially Buck and Eddie fans who due to the sixth season finale, have experienced some of the worst case of queerbaiting, I've seen in a long time. The show is getting a much deserved backlash after baiting the fans only to have Buck and Eddie end up with yet again two random and lackluster love interests.

I wish more entertainment journalists and entertainment sites would question and call out the Showrunners and writers of shows for constantly queerbaiting viewers. Then they wouldn't be able to keep doing this because queerbaiting is an awful writing technique that taints the viewing experience. They are making a deliberate effort to include scenes that string viewers along knowing that they will never follow through and put those characters together.

I watch a lot of TV and I haven't seen queerbaiting this bad in a long time but the 9-1-1 writers truly accomplished a stellar feat with the finale. It's 2023, you can stop queerbaiting viewers and using misleading and manipulative writing to advance your stories.

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