Saturday, May 13, 2023

When will Evan Buckley stand up for himself?

I finally watched this Monday's episode of 9-1-1, Love is in the Air and all I can say is that the writing continues to be terribly inconsistent. The best thing about the episode was Howard "Chimney" Han and Maddie Buckley's engagement story. The rest of the episode just seemed to be all over the place. I'll get to Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz's repetitive situation of questioning romance yet again and this narrative of constantly having others push him into dating. As well as him meeting and possible dating yet another lackluster love interest, Marisol (the DIYer who had an incestual vibe with her brother) in another post because first I want to focus on Evan "Buck" Buckley's situation.

(9-1-1 season 6 episode 17: Love is in the Air)

It was disappointing the way the writers used three different women to ruin Buck's so-called budding romance with Natalia, the Death Doula. I didn't like how they re-introduced fire fighter Lucy Donato in the bar scene when Buck and Natalia were trying to enjoy their date.

It's bad enough Buck cheated on his girlfriend Taylor Kelly last season when he kissed Lucy after Lucy kissed him. And the disappointment continues with Lucy alluding to the cheating while she was purposefully crashing Buck's date. Although, unfortunately Buck did kiss her, he didn't date her and it felt like she was trying to make it known that Buck was hers in some territorial way. I love that Buck is a nice guy but it's also one of the things I can't stand about him. Because it wouldn't have been wrong for him to have told Lucy to go away. Especially once she started trying to undermine his date with Natalia.

And speaking of him telling someone to go, it should have also been Kameron, who is the pregnant wife of Buck's friend Connor. Although Buck is their sperm donor, he shouldn't have to deal with their relationship issues. And just because she got into a fight with her husband doesn't give her the right to show up unannounced at Buck's apartment, barging herself in and making herself at home. Didn't she have any friends, family or a hotel she could go to instead of her husband's friend? Also, I didn't like how she didn't even care that she had interrupted Buck's date with Natalia. Which this eventually caused Natalia to finally end things with Buck and leave. And after Natalia left, Buck should have told Kameron to get out and not to ever show up at his apartment unannounced again. Instead of standing up for himself and telling her to leave, this doormat let Kameron take over his apartment. This entire situation with Kameron was just so rude. And the writers tried to play this scene as a joke when it's not.

And not to be forgotten is the little scene of TV Reporter Taylor Kelly being interviewed about her new book which is basically a gossip centered book about her time with the Los Angles Fire Department. It pretty much showed that she used her former relationship with Buck as a way to get information on emergencies and stories about the fire department. This is something Buck should have been mad about. But the writers won't let him express this emotion. It's okay to get mad especially when people are taking advantage of you which is what these three did to him.

Despite not liking Buck trying to date Natalia, I think he truly needs therapy instead of trying to get into yet another ill-fitting relationship with someone who doesn't really like him for who he is. I didn't like how the writers were purposely pushing Lucy, Taylor and Kameron into causing Natalia to ends things with Buck.

I found Buck's entire situation to be so disappointing because not one of these three women respected him, his life, his apartment, his privacy or his feelings. And it's annoying because the writers constantly play everything concerning Buck for laughs instead of letting him deal with his feelings and whatever he's going through. I really want to know when will Buck be allowed to stand up for himself? And stop just letting these random people take advantage of him.

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