Monday, June 26, 2023

Monday Motivation: Learn or Try Something New

Happy Monday!

Want to keep your mind nimble and quick? The answer is to learn or try something new. I think sometimes we get stuck in our ways and don't step out of our comfort zone to try or learn new things. It keeps us stagnant and not growing and experiencing new things. According to research, it doesn't matter what new things we try, our brain will benefit from it. And plus, you don't even have to be good at it, the main thing is simply to learn something new.

So whether you're trying to learn a new language, learn to play music, learn about new topics or subjects, try a new sport or exercise, a video game, a recipe, reading a different genre, seeing a play, watch a new (or new to you) show or trying new hobbies in general. There are so many things we could learn about or try and the good thing is, it can all increase our cognitive ability. So take the time and try or learn something new. Why not start today, what's something new you would like to learn or try?

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