Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Most Memorable Scene and Quote: The Pudding Cup Mystery (9-1-1: Lone Star)

It's 9-1-1: Lone Star Tuesday and I wanted to post this Most Memorable Scene from the episode Tongues Out (season 4 episode 14). I love this scene because Paul Strickland was going to find out who ate his snack. In the first season Pilot episode, it was shown that Paul was good at picking up on clues and solving mysteries which helped him catch an arsonist who was still at the scene of a fire.

Throughout the series, Paul has used his detective skills every now and then. Most recently in the episode Tongues Out where Paul used his skills twice. First to solve the infamous Pudding Cup Mystery and the second to figure out who killed Fire Captain Owen Strand's girlfriend Kendra's husband since Kendra was the prime suspect.

As a mystery fan, I love that Paul maybe a firefighter but his detective skills are unmatched. Also, the quote for this scene is below.

Paul: Betrayal. Deceit. Larceny. Look around, friends. Because one among you is capable of all three.

Mateo: Bro, don't you think you're overreacting just a little?

Paul: One of my brothers, or sisters, took something precious from me. So tell me, Mateo, how am I supposed to react?

Marjan: Uh, we are still talking about a pudding cup here, right?

Paul: Not a pudding cup. My last pudding cup. Treachery. Especially because all of y'all know if I don't get my sweet treats, I get grumpy!

Nancy: I'd say grumpy has officially arrived.

Paul: I heard that, Nancy.

Carlos: I should get back to patrol.

Paul: Uh-uh. I don't hear no radios squawkin'. Nobody's leaving here until the culprit is unmasked.

T.K.: Alright, look, how do you know it wasn't somebody from B-shift?

Paul: Deflecting much, T.K.? I know it wasn't B-shift, because my man Gregg always takes the trash out before we come in.

Marjan: And what if Gregg forgot? I have rotated the chore chart more than a few times recently.

Paul: He didn't forget. And your fingerprints are all over this, Marjan.

Marjan: I didn't eat your pudding cup, Paul.

Paul: I know you didn't, but your micromanagement is the key to solving who did. Now, you recently switched the positions of the trash can and the recycle bin, did you not?

Marjan: I did. Last Thursday.

Paul: And this pudding cup was found in the trash. Now, I happen to know that all of y'all in here recycle. So that means that the guilty party was not aware that the bins had been switched. So that leaves only one suspect. Isn't that right, Officer Reyes?

T.K.: Come on, Paul. Take off the tinfoil hat. It wasn't Carlos.

Carlos: He's right. It was me.

T.K.: Babe.

Carlos: I could say I thought it was community, but that would be a lie. The truth is, I was peckish and I wanted pudding. And I didn't care whose pudding I had to take in order to get it. And you know what? It was delicious.

Paul: Monster!

~ Paul Strickland, Mateo Chavez, Marjan Marwani, Nancy Gillian, Carlos Reyes and T.K. Strand, 9-1-1: Lone Star season 4 episode 14: Tongues Out

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