Thursday, June 15, 2023

Throwback Thursday and Most Memorable Scene: Darla and Drusilla crash the Wolfram & Hart Party (Angel)

It's been a while since I've watched any episode of Angel but somehow I always remember this scene from the episode Reunion (season 2 episode 10). Because it was so shocking, I wasn't expecting Angel to have simply closed and locked the door on the sleazy, slimy, evil lawyers of Wolfram & Hart.

He's the hero, you expect him to save them even if they are horrible. But at that point those lawyers had continued to play a big role in so many terrible supernatural things happening not only in Los Angeles but in the world. Not to mention, they purposely brought back Darla thinking that would affect Angel. Which it did but not in the way they had hoped. And in the end, it cost nearly all of them in that room their lives. I believe only Lindsey McDonald and Lilah Morgan were the only ones that survived.

Total side note: Drusilla was so zany and completely out there. But if I recall, back when Angel was evil, he had tortured and tormented Drusilla before turning her into a vampire. But don't quote me on that, it's been a while since I've rewatched either Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel. So I'm going on memory (which I may or may not be misremembering).

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