Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Characters Reading: Carrie Bradshaw and John James Preston

In the first Sex and the City movie, Carrie Bradshaw was trying to find inspiration to write for her latest book. And a book she was using for research as well as reading was Love Letters of Great Men, volume one that she had checked out from the library. Meanwhile her boyfriend, John James Preston (a.k.a Mr. Big) was reading the newspaper as he listened to her read some of the love letters. And later in the movie, John would use the letters to win her back after they broke up on the day of their wedding.

I still find it so fascinating that there was so much fan interest in the prop book that Carrie was reading that a real book was published. You can not only buy Love Letters of Great Mean, volume one but there's a volume two as well. There's also another book titled Love Letters of Great Men: The Collection of Love Letters Drawn from by Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex in the City".

(Sex and the City: The Movie)

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