Monday, September 11, 2023

Monday Motivation: Feeling Distracted, Try Juggling

Happy Monday!

A tip that might help if you are distracted, try juggling. According to research, juggling can help boost brain development. And learning to juggle may accelerate the growth of neural connections that are related to focus, memory, vision, movement and coordination. It's been noted that benefits continue even if you don't juggle consistently or are even good at it. Aside from the health benefits, according to juggling enthusiast, it's a fun hobby. Maybe, I'll give juggling a try.

So if you find yourself feeling distracted or not being able to focus, juggling might be the answer for you. To get started find a set of juggling balls (they're available from beginners to advanced) and slowly start juggling. For additional help, there are video tutorials on YouTube you could use as well.

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