Saturday, October 28, 2023

Most Memorable Scene: Evan Buckley being hit with a green bean

A scene that always makes me laugh (although it probably wasn't supposed to be funny) is in the 9-1-1 episode Past is Prologue (season 5 episode 9). It was after Evan "Buck" Buckley's then girlfriend Taylor Kelly told him she loved him. The funny thing is she threw a green bean at him after her love confession and then told him not to make it weird. When she's the one who made it weird first by tossing a vegetable at him as if she was throwing a baseball. And then he made it equally weird with his less than enthusiastic love confession and expression.

I think the scene was supposed to be seen as a cute and romantic moment instead of an unintentional weird and funny one. But how can you not notice the weird look on his face coupled with his reaction to the love confession and her throwing a green bean at him. It was just so unintentionally funny, this is why this scene is so memorable to me. In hindsight, this scene really spoke volumes that this relationship wasn't going to last.

(gif Source: housewifebuck)

(9-1-1 season 5 episode 9: Past is Prologue)

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