Monday, October 23, 2023

Quote: Athena, Harry and May Grant and Robert Nash

Athena: You guys still decorating those pumpkins? How many are you making? Oh, and why so many ghosts?

Bobby: Well, they're for Buck. I'm gonna put 'em all over the firehouse.

May: Bobby says he thinks a ghost called 911.

Bobby: Mm.

Harry: That'd be so cool if it did.

Bobby: Well, Buck certainly thinks so.

May: But ghosts aren't real.

Harry: Tommy Sheridan's family used to live in this apartment where this little old lady died, and he said the lights used to flicker when they used the tea kettle.

Athena: Didn't that building get red-tagged after the earthquake?

Bobby: Yeah.

Athena: Yeah. Sounds more like faulty wiring than signals from the other side.

May: Harry, over 100 billion people have lived on this planet. Pretty sure a little old lady has died everywhere. Probably even in this very house.

~ Athena Grant, Robert "Bobby" Nash, Harry and May Grant, 9-1-1 season 2 episode 7: Haunted

Happy 9-1-1 Monday!

I really like this scene. It was such a cute little family moment with Harry and May helping Bobby carve and paint a bunch of pumpkins into ghosts in order to scare (or make fun of) Evan "Buck" Buckley. It's interesting that Buck is not the only one that seems to believe in ghost since Harry does as well. And who's to say that Harry's friend Tommy Sheridan's family's former apartment wasn't haunted? Just because Athena said that the apartment has been red-tagged doesn't mean it also can't still be haunted, right? I also like that May added a bit of spookiness in her response to her little brother Harry about the possibility of ghosts being in their own home.

(9-1-1 season 2 episode 7: Haunted)

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