Thursday, October 12, 2023

Throwback Thursday: Thor, Loki, Sif and The Warriors Three vs The Frost Giants

Happy Thursday!

I can't remember the last time I watched Thor, it's one of my favorite movie. And Sir Kenneth Charles Branagh really brought all the Shakespearean drama to this movie that's for sure.

As for this scene, I love this fight against the Frost Giants. Thor's arrogance and pride made it impossible for him to see that he (along with his brother and friends) went to Jodenheim for all the wrong reasons. It didn't help that Loki manipulated all of this to show that Thor wasn't ready to be King. Which at this point, he truly wasn't because he couldn't let the "Little Princess" insult go and walk away. No, he had to fight which was his real intention for going to Jodenheim in the first place. It didn't matter that his friends were ill prepared for a fight against the Frost Giants, he was going to fight no matter what. With the end result of him being banished to Earth or Midgard with no powers or memory but he did need to learn a lesson.

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