Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Characters Reading: Henrietta Wilson

In the 9-1-1 fifth season fifth episode Peer Pressure, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson was trying to enjoy some down time by reading a book. Reading during your lunch break or break is a good way to get in extra reading time. Too bad for Hen, it didn't last long. Her relaxation was interrupted by her friend and co-worker Evan "Buck" Buckley being annoying and loud. He was looking for Probationary Firefighter Ravi Panikkar so he could show Ravi how to disassemble a chainsaw.

Thankfully, Hen found Ravi (who was hiding out in their Captain's office) and had a very reassuring talk with him. Because Buck was being an overbearing terror in his attempt to train Ravi. So, Ravi was a little nervous and overwhelmed but Hen talked to him and gave him some good advice. I like to think that after helping Ravi she went back to reading her book. But most likely the alarm went off and she had to rush off to an emergency.

(9-1-1 season 5 episode 5: Peer Pressure)

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