Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Fandom Thoughts #2: Animal Control: Rick and Animal Smuggling

There is this interesting Animal Control fan theory that I have been seeing about the season 2 smuggled animals storyline. Some fans believe former Director and Officer of Animal Control Rick Doyle might be behind the illegal animal smuggling ring. And that has me intrigued because I never thought of that. It's starting to make me think that he may only be dating current Animal Control Director Emily Price to stay connected to information at Animal Control.

I know he got a huge settlement from the city after he was mauled by an animal. But what if it wasn't about the money? Yeah he got the settlement but what if despite his positive outlook and good nature, maybe he's holding a grudge against Animal Control. So he got involved in animal smuggling. And as a former officer and director, he would know all the information and legalities about animal smuggling. I think I'm going to have to go back and rewatch seasons 1 and 2 with a focus on Rick to see if there is anything to that fan theory.

(Animal Control season 1 episode 4: Dogs and Bears and Minks)

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