Wednesday, June 5, 2024

30 Day Reading Challenge

I've been seeing various daily reading challenges popping up online recently (yearly, monthly, weekly, etc.) and I thought why not attempt one of these challenges. I have to admit my reading has gotten worse. I'm not sure what the cause of my recurring reader's block is but I don't want it. I want to read my books like I used to. I have so many books that I want to read and this reader's block is truly making it a challenge (no pun intended). So, I'm hoping this daily reading challenge will help get my reading at least on the road to where it used to be.

I decided to go with a 30 day challenge which I'm going to start tomorrow. So, my 30 Day Reading Challenge will go from June 6th to July 6th. Starting tomorrow will give me time to set up my challenge. I'm not sure if I want a set reading time or number of pages, reading in the morning or evening, etc. But I'll figure it out. I'm also going to keep track of my daily reading. I'll write down my progress and at the end of the month see how everything went.

I'm really looking forward to starting this tomorrow. Happy Reading Everyone!

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