Lines by Ratkins
Colors by xXNightblade08Xx
I wonder if Cyborg will ever get his own comic book series? He's the only member of the Justice League who doesn't have their own series. If Cyborg is supposed to be an important member of the Justice League, then why doesn't he have his own solo book series by now?
I feel like Wonder Woman and Cyborg are both token members of the team. Wonder Woman is written horribly but she continues to get more story lines due to her being "Superman's girlfriend". DC just doesn't seem to really care about Cyborg, he's only there for diversity, which stinks because he's a great character. It would be nice if they showed that Cyborg can do more than just be the token member of the JL.
Yup. I feel exactly the same.
Except I'm a Marvel girl and Black Widow doesn't have her own story. The only other member of the current Avengers who doesn't is Hawkeye.
I'm really surprised that Black Widow doesn't have her own book. She's popular and an interesting character.
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