Friday, August 16, 2013

Book Review: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Book: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

Rating: 3 stars


There were parts of this book I thought were amazing but they were overshadowed or drowned out by too much description of the various fish and other marine life. I had to look up several of the animals just to get a better picture of them.

I also had a hard time reading the parts where various animals were hunted or killed, some for future meals but others it seemed for sport.

The story was interesting, it follows professor Pierre Aronnax, his trusty aid Conseil, and harpooner Ned Land as they travel along as free captives of the mysterious Captain Nemo aboard the equally mysterious Nautilus. The three initially had been passengers aboard the warship the "Abraham Lincoln" who was sailing out to try to capture or kill an elusive animal that has been terrorizing the sea when they came into contact with the unbeknownst Nautilus.

This was quite an adventure the three found themselves in from the moment they set foot onto the Nautilus until the end. There was a lot of inner turmoil among the professor and the harpooner concerning their situation. Which I found easy to empathize with both of their issues and reasons.

I did enjoy reading this but I wish there was more information about Captain Nemo and why he was the way he was. According to the introduction of the edition I read, the author was told to change a few things about the Captain. Not happy with that, Verne instead removed certain key aspects about the Captain instead. I do wish that information was still included because it left me wanting to know more.

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