Sunday, September 22, 2013

Book Review: Murder on Ice

Book: Murder on Ice (A Figure Skating Mystery book #1) by Alina Adams

Rating: 1 stars (Did Not Finish)


This turned out to be anything but a fun weekend read. It felt like a chore to read it before I couldn't read any more of it. I stopped on page 143 and decided to quit. I'd say it was combination of the writing style, a slow moving boring story and uninteresting characters that made this a DNF.

I thought the author focused too much on stuff that didn't matter to the story and the narrative didn't help. The main character Rebecca Levy or Bex (as she goes by in the story) wasn't so great either. She was very annoying and very clueless.

I found a couple of scenes a little ridiculous such as Bex was forced by her boss, Executive Producer Gil Cahill to try to find out what really happened to the judge or she would lose her job. He didn't seem to realize that being a figure skating researcher does not make Bex a detective or a police officer. He didn't care that she could end up getting killed. He just wanted the killer found to boost the stations ratings.

The other two scenes I thought were ridiculous, had Bex just walk into a crime scene (albeit the victim's body had been taken away) and start asking the police questions about what happened and not get thrown out or arrested for interfering. No, they actually answered her questions. She also went to the police station and was able to check out the victim's purse and somehow was able to take a copy of a clue she found all because she said she could get the police officer on TV. Even with that slight bribe I really doubt the police would continue to be that helpful.

She also did a lot of stupid stuff like going into the room of potential killer to ask them questions, that would have been considered brave if her internal monologue didn't keep detailing how the potential killer could possible kill her.

I just couldn't find this story interesting enough to continue reading. It lacked real drama and suspense. The story and Bex came across as trying too hard to be humorous and witty but it didn't work. By the time I stopped reading, I didn't care if the killer was found or not. Since the first book wasn't so great, I don't think I will be reading the second book.

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