Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Summary: Sept. 22nd

I guess Fall is finally here because it's so chilly today. Maybe the weather will warm up a bit. I gave up on reading "Murder on Ice". So, that leaves me with the rest of the day to relax and maybe catch up on watching a little TV. I still have to watch the first episode of "Sleepy Hallow" (I heard it was really good) as well as watch the third episode of "The Legend of Korra" and a few others.

Yesterday, I checked out that comic book store and I was telling you about. I like it, the store had a nice feel to it. It's smaller than the one I used to go to yet as far as I can tell, the shop had all the comics that I get. I think this will definitely be my new local comic book store for now.

I also went to the bookstore and found a book (in the bargain section) "The Swan Thieves" by Elizabeth Kostova. I also got another bookmark. I looked around the store to see if there were any Halloween themed books. I didn't really see any, maybe they will have a display or section up next month.

Well, I'm going to go and make myself a cup of tea and I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Book Girl

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