Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Nesting: Sheldon Cooper's Bedroom (Apartment 4A from The Big Bang Theory)

Dr. Sheldon Cooper is known for being meticulous and that goes for his bedroom. But he doesn't really strike you as the character you would seek out home décor tips from but I spotted a few that might be worth trying:

* Clean & Organized: Sheldon's bedroom is truly clean and organized with everything in its place. This might work for him but might take a bit of work for non-neat freaks. But just taking the time to make your bed or pick up items off the floor will make a real difference.

* Bookcases: He uses his two bookcases to store and display his books and collectibles. Something, I think is very interesting is his comic books are on display in baskets on the smaller bookcase. As long as they're in protective boards and they are no where near the sun that's a good place to store some of the books that you like to read on a regular basis.

Since he only has a small selection of his comics shown I figured the rest are stored in boxes probably under his bed or in the closet.

* Artwork: He has artwork in various sizes placed throughout his room be it posters, comic book cover art or photography. They add color without being too distracting.

* Baskets and Storage Boxes: They are great to store any and everything (like Sheldon uses baskets to display his comics). But don't over do it and use too many then your space will look too cluttered.

Collectibles: He displays a few collectibles such as his train set (see the first two pictures) on a shelf above his dresser and small bookcase. There are also a few on his dresser and a Batman figurine on his tall bookcase. That old saying "Less is More" is true because even if you have a lot of collectibles you don't have to display them all. Just put out a few and you can always change them out whenever you want to.

* Hamper: We all use them but if possible try to keep it out of sight, when Sheldon's door is open it hides his hamper (see first picture). If not make sure to get one that is simple yet sophisticated (see picture below).

Bamboo Laundry Single Hamper - Hamam Stripe  $39.00 (sale)  West Elm (westelm.com)

Lastly, don't forget to let your bedroom reflect who you are. As long as you love how it looks, it shouldn't matter if anyone else does.

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