Sunday, May 25, 2014

New Book Purchase: 20 Weekend Finds

Thrift Store:

I seriously love going to that thrift store. I ended up finding 19 books, they range from chicklit to mystery.

I'm going to have to make sure I only go once a month because other wise I would be in there way too often finding books. Plus, I have enough books already that I still need to read and not to mention I barely have any room on my bookcase as it is.


I was walking through the book aisles when I spotted this Nancy Drew book The Mystery at Lilac Inn. I had no idea they had updated the covers for the Nancy Drew books. There were four books total on the shelf but this is the only one out of the group that I have not read before. I don't need to buy the other three since I have them already with the old covers.

I think I'm going to take a book buying break for a little while. I have so many books and I want to make sure I at least read a good portion of them before I buy any more. Of course, I will make a few exceptions but for now I'm taking a break.

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