Friday, July 29, 2016

365 Days of Books of Interest: Day #209: Silver Surfer vol #1 (Marvel Now)

I'm surprised that I haven't heard much about this series. I like the Silver Surfer, he's an interesting character. From the description, this seems different from some of the Surfer comics I've read. I really would like to read this and it doesn't hurt that Michael Allred is the artist for this. I love his artwork, it seems to go with a lot of these slightly kooky and different books like iZombie

Book: Silver Surfer volume #1: New Dawn (issues #1-5) by Dan Slott with illustrations by Michael Allred


The universe is big. Bigger than you could ever imagine. And the Silver Surfer, lone sentinel of the skyways, is about to discover that the best way to see with someone else. Meet Dawn Greenwood, the Earth girl who's challenged the Surfer to go beyond the boundaries of the known universe - into the strange, the new, and the utterly fantastic! Who is the Never Queen? How is the universe's future tied into her very existence? And why is she trying to destroy the Surfer? And when the Surfer tries to return Dawn home, he gets swept into a strange battle against Shuma-Gorath alongside Dr. Strange, the Hulk and more! The problem is, to stop Shuma-Gorath, Dawn will have to pay the price...with her life.

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