Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Video: Shadowhunters: Fight: Alec vs Jace

I like this fight between Jace and Alec because Jace is always being called the best Shadowhunter and the best fighter but Alec pretty much kicked his butt. What annoys me is that just like Clary, Jace believe everything is about him. Alec has so many issues and his feelings for Jace are not even at the top of that long list of problems.

Although it pains me to say this, for once I actually agree with Jace in that Alec was not thinking clearly. He was willing to go along with Lydia Branwell's bad decision to subject Meliorn to the Silent Brothers which would kill him but that's not important to Lydia nor to an extremely conflicted Alec.

Regardless of the outcome, it was a good fight.

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