Monday, May 1, 2017

What I hope will happen on Shadowhunters 2B?

I'm sure as fans, we are going to be in for a quite a few surprises for the second half of Shadowhunters season two. And from doing a quick search, I see that fans have been guessing as to what will happen on the show and with the characters. And that got me thinking about what I would like to see happen.

For the show, I hope that at some point Idris will be shown. The Shadowhunters' home world has been mention quite a few times on the show and I would love to see it. I wish the werewolves and vampires were more ferocious to give the Shadowhunters more of a fight and I want to see more demons. Now as for some of the characters here's what I hope to see for them:

Clary Fray (Katherine McNamara)

I hope Clary will be less annoying and less idiotic for the rest of the season. She has the potential to be a great character but the way she's been shown for season 1 and the first half of season 2 is really off putting. She has a tendency to be selfish, extremely naïve but at the same time try to take control of situations she is clearly not ready for. I want Clary to continue with her art because her interest in that should not be sidelined now that she's a Shadowhunter.

Simon Lewis (Alberto Rosende)

I adore Simon, there's not much I would change for him beside maybe having him work at the bar, Hunter's Moon. He needs a job so that he doesn't have to continue living at the boat house. I often wonder if his mother is paying his cellphone bill because he had neither a job nor money for anything. I wonder if his new found ability to be out in the sun will be permanent or something temporary?

Clary and Simon

I think Simon and Clary have great chemistry and I hope they don't break up just so Clary can go back to dating Jace. I've said this before, Jace and Clary have no chemistry. They are so boring together and their romance feels forced. I hope the writers don't feel pressured by fans to end Simon and Clary's relationship because it works. They are so cute and happy together.

Alexander "Alec" Lightwood (Matthew Daddario)

It's rumored that Alec will be the new Head of the New York Institute and if that's the case I want to see his role expanded to show him more in charge. He was already the acting Head of the Institute when the first season started but then Lydia Branwell came in to take over followed by Victor Aldertree, so it would be cool if he is officially in charge. If that does happen, I wonder how it will effect his rocky relationship with his parents? How will Aldertree deal with being demoted? How will Alec deal with the Clave's bigotry towards Downworlders now that he's in charge? Also, will the homophobia among Shadowhunters be addressed?

They need to stop having Alec be saved by everyone, it's really embarrassing that a newbie like Clary had to save him when Izzy was possessed by a demon. He is supposed to be a great warrior but he's always being knocked down.

Magnus Bane(Harry Shum, Jr.)

As High Warlock of Brooklyn, I think Magnus should be doing more than fixing Shadowhunter problems. We really need to see why he has the title as High Warlock and no more diminishing his powers, they need to really show how powerful he is. I also want to see him dealing with more problems in the Warlock/Downworlder community. As far as I know Magnus did not get his spellbook back after Iris stole it for Valentine, so it would be nice if he got it back.

I love Magnus' loft and I want them to show even more of the rooms and interior designs. The set designer did an amazing job creating Magnus' home. Also, can everyone stop walking into his apartment as if they own it, that is so rude and annoying. He clearly has no problem with Alec walking in but the others could start knocking on the door.

Magnus and Alec

I hope there are less interruptions for them because they rarely get any alone time. Seriously, how many times can they be interrupted, it's become a running joke that stopped being funny. I couldn't help noticing that Alec was less uptight once he started dating Magnus perhaps being around the Warlock caused him to learn how to relax. How could he not because Magnus is all about enjoying life to it's fullest.

I keep seeing where fans want Magnus and Alec to adopt Madzie which I think is a great idea but it's really too soon for that. These two are still in the early stages of being in a relationship and need more time. But since the show was approved for a third season maybe the adoption could take place there.

Isabelle "Izzy" Lightwood (Emeraude Toubia)

I hope Izzy will get clean of her addiction to vampire venom but I have a feeling it will not be an easy process for her. I wonder if Raphael will continue to be hovering around trying to prove he really does care for her. But it's hard to believe that's true especially since he was just as much an addict as she was.

I wonder if they will show her reaction when she finds out her father has been cheating on her mother? It's going to be heartbreaking for her to learn her father isn't the up standing man she thought him to be. I would like to see Izzy and Meliorn interact in some sort of capacity because I believe he still has feelings for her.

Maia Roberts (Alisha Wainwright)

I hope she gets more scenes and to be made a main character. I want to see if Maia and Luke's pack relationship will be repaired or see if it's gotten worse. I would also like to see her and Simon repair their friendship, they had this perfect little nerdy friendship going. But following the incident of her going after Clary, it didn't look good for their friendship. So I hope that will be fixed.

Jace Wayland (Dominic Sherwood)

I really don't want to see him struggling with his feelings for Clary. Perhaps he can just pour his feelings into his work and forget about her and move on. He also needs to move back into the Institute instead of staying at Magnus' loft.

Maia and Jace

I would love for Jace and Maia to date because for the few scenes they had together they had so much chemistry. Since according to what I see from fans this show is not entirely based on the books so the creative team can make a few changes. Jace and Clary don't have to be together if they don't work but I know that's what the fans want. However, it's hard to deny all the chemistry between Maia and Jace and it would be great if something romantic happened between these two.

Luke Garroway (Isaiah Mustafa)

I want to see Luke get more scenes and really become a good pack leader. He is going to have to really prove to the pack that he's for them even more so since their pack's numbers are down due to the mass deaths from the soul-sword in the winter finale. It's probably too soon for Luke to get a new love interest following the death of Jocelyn but maybe by the third season one can be introduced. I know it will never happen but I would love if Annie Ilonzeh (see below) was cast as the love interest mainly because I thought her and Isaiah Mustafa's characters were great as exes on the short lived 2011 Charlie's Angels TV series.

As always, I will just have to wait until June 5th to see what will happen on Shadowhunters 2B. I am actually really looking forward to watching it. I would love to know what you hope will happen on the show, please feel free to let me know.

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