Monday, March 16, 2020

Does Indiana Jones' Willie Scott have any redeemable qualities?

Actress and singer Wilhelmina "Willie" Scott was not a fan favorite for Indiana Jones fans especially when she was shown as being an annoying screaming damsel-in-distress throughout most of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I know that she was an extremely annoying character but I was wondering if she had any redeemable qualities?

(Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)

There were a few qualities that came to mind, first was that Willie is certainly not perfect and she was shown to be a flawed character which is something that not a lot female characters get the chance to be shown as. Some of her flaws include being selfish, extremely cynical, whiny and opportunistic. Despite these negative traits, it was cool to see her as not being perfect.

The second redeemable quality was that she was courageous. I will give her credit for sticking her hand in that crevice which was crawling with large bugs in order to save Indiana and Short Round who were on the verge of being crushed and impaled. That showed she was tougher than she appeared because although she was scared and absolutely squeamish about all the bugs which were starting to crawl all over her, she albeit reluctantly stuck her hand in that hole to pull the lever. That really is courageous especially if you're afraid of bugs.

(Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)

Her third redeemable quality was that Willie became a survivor. Throughout the adventure, she had to learn how be resourceful and not be the Pampered Princess she was introduced as. She was still eager to return to a life of luxury but she had no choice but to toughen up and survive.

By the end of the movie, I thought Willie had finally had that light bulb moment when she had angrily stated "I'm going home to Missouri, where they never ever feed you snake before ripping your heart out and lowering you into hot pits. This is not my idea of a swell time!". I figured she had realized after the nonstop dangerous adventure from Shanghai, China to India, she was ready to go back home and didn't want anything more to do with Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr. However, that little speech was short lived and she was literally reeled back in by Jones.

With her background in entertainment, you would think she would know when to leave the stage. Especially since crossing paths with Indiana Jones had brought her nothing but trouble. The life of danger and adventure was not what she wanted, Willie wanted a glamorous life in entertainment and to marry a wealthy man. I'm sure her time with Indiana may have changed her perspective a little bit but it's clear to see despite the happy ending between Willie and Indiana their romance was not to last. Because by Raiders of the Lost Ark (Temple of Doom was a prequel), Dr. Jones was very much single and rekindling things with Marion Ravenwood.

Willie Scott is not one of my favorite characters from the Indiana Jones movies but I can see some interesting aspects and redeemable qualities to her character.

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