Thursday, June 4, 2020

Self-Care the Jedi Way by Meditating

When the world starts to feel overwhelming, let the Jedi inspire you to meditate. Although we won't be connecting to the force when we meditate, it is a great way to calm your body and mind. I don't always have time to meditate but I do make time for it whenever I'm feeling stressed out.

There are many was to achieve this calming mental state and the most common way is to sit quietly in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Relax your muscles and breathe through your nose. As you breathe out, silently say a word or mantra. Then breathe easily and naturally for 5-10 minutes. If you're new to meditation try to do it for at least 1-5 minutes until you can get used to it. If your thoughts start to wander, try to direct your focus back to your breathing.

I like to have absolute silence when I meditate but if you need a little noise, play some soothing sounds of nature such as: rain, rushing water or birds singing. You don't have to meditate daily but it does get easier the more you do it.

Artwork: Meditate I Will by Dave Keenan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you. maybe you like to read Shobogenzo. maybe you like to contemplate on it too.