Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Book Review: Rebellion of Thieves

Book: Rebellion of Thieves (A Robyn Hoodlum Adventure book #2) by Kekla Magoon

Cover Illustrations by Brandon Dorman
Cover Design by John Candell

Edition: Paperback


Robyn Loxley can't rest now that she's the #1 Most Wanted Fugitive, Robyn Hoodlum. The harsh Nott City governor, Ignomus Crown, may have increased the reward for her capture, but this won't stop Robyn from masterminding her biggest mission yet: infiltrating the governor's mansion to rescue her parents.

The perfect opportunity arises when the Iron Teen contest comes to Sherwood. If Robyn scores high enough, she'll be invited to a dinner at the mansion. But performing well also puts her directly in Crown's sights. Can she and her crew of misfit friends pull off such a grand scheme?

Rating: 5 stars


The exciting adventures of Robyn Hoodlum continues in the second book Rebellion of Thieves. Governor Ignomus Crown is ramping up efforts to capture the elusive "criminal" Robyn Hoodlum. With the stakes increasing you would think that the last thing Robyn Loxley would do is sign up for the Iron Teen contest. But she does have a plan, whether or not it can be pull it off is a different story.

What I found interesting is that Robyn still had this loner mentality from the first book and her plan to compete in the contest was very single-minded. It makes her appear selfish and that she still wasn't seeing the big picture of what they were doing because she was so set on rescuing her mother who was being held captive at the governor's mansion. I can understand her motive, in the first book, Shadows of Sherwood, Robyn's parents (along with others who had opposed Crown) had been apprehended which lead to many being imprisoned (like her mother) while others have gone missing (like her father). Even Robyn was nearly captured which is how she ended up becoming one of the "outlaws". In fact, she's become the face of it as the legendary rebel Robyn Hoodlum.

What I like about Robyn is that she really does want to help the cause of stopping Governor Crown's reign of injustice but she also wants to save her parents. It's not hard to understand but her mindset does eventually change and she does see the big picture of their fight. Now back to this story, Robyn and her friends/fellow outlaws: Laurel, Key, Tucker Branch, Merryan Crown and Scarlet were trying to figure out a way to carry out her plan of entering the contest. Being in the contest was the easy part, trying to avoid being caught by Sheriff Marissa Mallet and the police well that was a different matter.

I really enjoyed reading this, it's a fast-moving story that's well-written and engaging. With the way this ends, I can't help wondering what could be next for the heroes in the third and final book, Reign of Outlaws. There is so much at stake for Robyn and her friends but they are doing everything they can to fight Governor Crown.

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