Monday, December 7, 2020

Matilda Reading Challenge

A couple of years ago, there was this Matilda Challenge that was really popular. Unfortunately, the challenge had nothing to do with reading, it had fans pretending to have powers like Matilda. I was disappointed because when I heard of the challenge, I immediately thought it had something to do with Matilda's love of reading. Which is why I want to start a Matilda Reading Challenge.

In the book Matilda by Roald Dahl, Matilda Wormwood would go to the library and read for two glorious hours for five days a week while her mother was off playing bingo. This was before Matilda got a library card but once she did, she would read at home most likely during that same amount of time. She even created a little reading nook in her small bedroom.

Matilda's love of reading and actually making time for it is what inspired me to create this challenge because lately I've been unable to focus on reading like I used to. For instance, I read a little over a hundred pages of Spirit Hunters by Ellen Oh back in November and then I ended up taking another reading break. I haven't gone back to reading despite how good the book is. I've taken more reading breaks than I used to and I've noticed that a lot of other readers have been feeling a little distracted and unmotivated as well which is why I wanted to do this Matilda Reading Challenge as a way to get myself back to reading.

Something my mom told me is that "if it's something you really want to do, you will make the time for it". And she's right because I love reading and I really want to get back to enjoying a good book. Which is why I'm challenging myself to read for two hours a day for 21 days. I will be starting tomorrow Dec. 8th and will go until the 28th. If anyone else is interested in joining the Matilda Reading Challenge, please do. You don't have to read for two hours feel free to choose whatever amount of time that works for you.

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