Friday, May 28, 2021

Fandom Friday: Three Relationships That Don't Work

It's Friday, what fandom thoughts are on your mind? I was thinking about a few relationships that didn't (or don't) seem to work:

- On Gilmore Girls, I never thought Lorelai Gilmore and Christopher Hayden were ever a good match. Although, he may have been her childhood high school boyfriend and the father of her daughter Rory that didn't mean they were good for each other. Throughout the series there was always this push in the writing to get them together even though Lorelai and Luke Danes worked so much better. It took Luke being written out of character to lead to him and Lorelai breaking up so that she could finally get back together with Christopher. I guess this finally gave the writers the chance to explore the relationship between Lorelai and Christopher.

Even though they only dated for a short amount of time, they had quickly gotten married in the show's final season. Everything about this relationship felt rushed and it showed that attraction and nostalgia can't keep a relationship going because it wasn't long before it ended. They were not the same people they were when they were teenagers and it seemed like they had been carrying a nostalgic torch for each other since then. When they were younger, their relationship ended back then after Lorelai gave birth to her daughter Rory and Christopher pretty much disappeared leaving her to raise Rory on her own. However, as disappointing as it was to see Lorelai and Christopher together, it was even more satisfying to see that rekindled spark between Lorelai and Luke at the end of the series and to see how happy they continued to be in the Gilmore Girls revival where they finally got married.

(Christopher and Lorelai    Gilmore Girls season 7 episode 10: Merry Fisticuffs)

- As much as I like Dr. Ana Flores, I don't think her and Eddie Diaz have a lot of chemistry on 9-1-1. And so far the writing hasn't deepened their connection which feels more like friendship instead of a romantic relationship as the fourth season moved along. In the season finale, during Eddie's welcome home party after he was released from the hospital, he kissed Ana on the cheek which is the same way he kissed his grandmother. I wasn't expecting them to make out or anything especially not with all the guests present in his house but he could have at least kissed her on the lips instead of on the cheek like a friend.

I don't think these two have ever shared a kiss on screen. They nearly kissed in the 4th season episode Breaking Point which was the only time a bit of passion was shown between them but the kiss was interrupted and Eddie had to leave shortly after. Since then there has been no more passion shown between them instead it was replaced with this weird lack of chemistry. I don't know if the continued lack of chemistry is between the actors or in the writing but they definitely lost whatever little bit they had. Maybe the upcoming fifth season will actually explore their surprisingly lackluster relationship or they will break up as many fans seem to continue to speculate.

(Ana and Eddie    9-1-1 season 4 episode 8: Breaking Point)

- On Smallville, Clark Kent and Lana Lang should have gotten the chance to date in high school. That way the show would not have dragged out their on again/off again relationship between so many different seasons. Although Lana and Clark had plenty of chemistry, they worked best only as a high school romance and anything passed that feels forced. By the seventh season, Clark and Lana's relationship was stagnant, it felt like nothing was moving forward and what romance they had started to fizzle. And to make it even worse, Lana had a better connection with Bizarro Clark than the actual Clark. She couldn't tell the fake Clark wasn't the real one which understandingly put a damper on their relationship which at that point had dragged on for far too long.

(Lana and Clark    Smallville season 3 episode 2: Phoenix)

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