Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Happy Revenge of the 5th! Do you have a favorite Sith?

I always wonder why the Sith are so focused on gaining power and using the Force in the worst possible ways instead of helping others. But I guess that's why they're the Sith and not the heroes. Do you have a favorite Sith? Mine is Asajj Ventress. Although she technically wasn't a Sith, she was at one point an apprentice to Count Dooku but that eventually didn't work out.

However, she's still one of the best non-official Sith's there was. While working for the Dark Side, she was so evil and ruthless that it's a wonder she didn't end up killing more Jedi with each battle she was in. Surpringly, there was more to her than being a Sith disciple because believe it or not she ended up becoming a hero in the end.

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