Thursday, May 6, 2021

TV Round Up: My Thoughts on Grimm episodes 4 and 5

When I'm watching a show that's new to me such as Grimm, I resist the urge to go online and find out any information that I can about the show. I'm currently in the first season, I just finished watching the fourth and fifth episodes and I have so many questions. Do Grimm's have any active powers besides being able to identify supernatural beings? Because so far that's the only power Police Detective Nick Burkhardt who's a Grimm seems to have.

Another question I have is in the fourth episode when Billy Capra who is a Ziegevolk touched Detective Griffin, I want to know if Capra's touch will factor in later on in a future episode? Because in the episode, it was stated that if one of the Ziegevolk's touch you, they can control you. It seemed like for a little while his touch had affected the detective but I don't know if that was supposed to have happened or not.

As for the fifth episode, I want to know if Adalind Schade, a supernatural being called a Hexenbiest, is trying to get close to Police Detective Hank Griffin in order to find out more about Detective Burkhardt? I also want to know what Police Captain Sean Renard is planning because he's obviously up to something especially since he sent a Reaper away from the city who was there trying to seek revenge against Detective Burkhardt who had killed a supernatural being in the first episode who was violently attacking the detective's aunt who was also a Grimm. Since Captain Renard is also working with Adalind (or she's working for him), I really want to know what they are up to.

I'm really enjoying this show and I guess to get answers to my questions, I'll have to wait and see what happens as I continue to watch Grimm.

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