Monday, June 20, 2022

Art of the Day: Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz

Artwork: Buck and Eddie poster by Linda (SkyHighRollins)

It's still 9-1-1 Mondays even if there aren't any new episodes but I wanted to know what you think of Evan "Buck" Buckley and Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz possibly being together? Do you think the Showrunners and writers will ever put them in a relationship together? Buck and Eddie have amazing chemistry (even the Showrunners have admitted it) and the way their stories and lives are so intertwined it would be really easy to shift their current best friend relationship over to a romantic one. Anyway, if you're a fan of 9-1-1, I'd love to know what you think?

Also, what do you think of this artwork? I feel like someone from 9-1-1's marketing team should have contacted the artist and hired them to do some of the official promo for the show because this is amazing.

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