Sunday, September 18, 2022

Video: 2nd Sneak Peek for 9-1-1 6th season premiere episode "Let The Games Begin" (+ a Mini Rant)

So FOX released yet another new sneak peek video for tomorrow night's 9-1-1 sixth season premiere episode and I debated whether to post it or not since I found it be rather disappointing. The scene that's shown has Firefighter Lucy Donato talking about her injury with Captain Robert "Bobby" Nash over a video call while the rest of the team were cleaning up the kitchen and table after most likely lunch. Her talking about her injury isn't the problem, it's that had she not been injured she would have taken over as temporary or Interim Captain.

How could Captain Bobby Nash have even considered her for the job? That's not a good look at all. Why were Howard "Chimney" Han, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Evan "Buck" Buckley and Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz not considered for the job? However, someone who has barely been at the 118 for only a few months was offered the job instead? I don't care how much so-called experience Bobby said she had, it doesn't count when she hasn't been at that particular station for only a few months. Since it was already shown in the promo trailer that Hen will be Interim Captain, however, this new information doesn't make it feel like a celebration for Hen. It makes it seem like she only got the job as a last resort or by default because Lucy was injured instead of Hen being the right person for the job. It's so disappointing that the showrunners and writers continue to push this narrative that Lucy is somehow super special and better than everyone else which is definitely not true.

What annoys me is that both Chimney and Hen were at the 118 fire station longer than Bobby and they are both more than qualified to lead the team while he would have been away on his honeymoon. I also think Chimney should have gotten a second chance to prove that he was no longer that "drill sergeant" of a captain that he was back in the second season episodes 17 and 18. However since he recently returned to the job after being away for several months, he probably wouldn't have been ready just yet to take over as Interim Captain again. But to me it feels like such a slap in the face that Lucy would have been offered the job first instead of Hen and Chimney.

As for Eddie, he also recently returned to the job but he still would have been equally qualified to lead the team, I'm sure if he had been offered. Now as for Buck to add insult to injury, in the scene he was seen as not having enough experience and not ready for the job compared to Lucy. However back in the fifth season 14th episode Dumb Luck he had to give Lucy advice and a pep talk because she was feeling out of sort for saving a woman's life simply by luck. If she was so qualified why was she so upset and having doubts over saving someone's life when that's part of her job as a firefighter. So my question is, why is the person Buck had to mentor and give advice to qualified to be Interim Captain, but he isn't?

This scene put a damper on my enthusiasm for the new season because I don't trust the showrunners and writers not to keep pushing this false narrative about Lucy. I hope this sixth season will be good but this is the same crew that wrote and directed the fifth season and that was overall a disaster. Well, I guess I'll see how tomorrow's episode will be but now my expectations will be real low.

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