Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Is 9-1-1 trying to erase Ravi Panikkar from the show?

(9-1-1 season 4 episode 6: Jinx)

Why does it feel like the showrunners and writers of 9-1-1 are trying to erase Ravi Panikkar from the show? So far, in all of the episodes that have aired for the sixth season, they have not had one character mention Ravi or question where he is? In last night's episode Tomorrow, there was a scene where Henrietta "Hen" Wilson was looking at the collage on her wall and the camera zoomed in on a picture of the characters and surprise, surprise there was no Ravi. In the picture, he was cut out (and also Karen was covered up by another picture). It's disappointing especially since actors Anirudh Pisharody and Traci Thoms were in that behind the scenes picture of the cast from the fifth season 18th episode Starting Over. There really was no point in cutting either of them out of that picture.

(9-1-1 season 6 episode 6: Tomorrow                       9-1-1 season 5 episode 18: Starting Over behind the scenes)

It's really starting to feel like the showrunners and writers are trying to make viewers forget about Ravi by erasing him this season. Despite being a recurring character (who was introduced in the fourth season), Ravi is a very well loved and fan favorite character by viewers and it's becoming glaringly obvious that they have been not so subtly trying to push fan despised recurring character Lucy Donanto (who was introduced in the second half of the fifth season) this season while erasing Ravi. Unlike Ravi, Lucy got a scene in the first episode of the sixth season Let the Games Begin explaining why she wasn't going to be at work for a while. Meanwhile Ravi's disappearance was given no explanation, she was also mentioned a few times throughout that same episode while he has yet to be mentioned. In last night's episode Tomorrow, not only was a flashback scene included of her with the other firefighters from the fifth season 16th episode May Day but also in the picture I mentioned above. Why are they so set on erasing Ravi to continue to push Lucy?

It can't be because Anirudh Pisharody is busy with other acting jobs because so is Arielle Kebbel who plays Lucy. But the showrunners and writers continue to make time to push her character even if she's not even there. If this is what the showrunners and writers are doing it's infuriating and I hope that Anirudh will get offered countless more even better roles than the recurring role he has on 9-1-1.

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