Monday, October 24, 2022

Trailer for tonight's episode of 9-1-1: Tomorrow

Happy 9-1-1 Monday! What did you think of last week's episode Home Invasion? Well, for the most part I really liked it, I loved seeing Hoover and his little journey going from one member of the fire family to another until he eventually found his forever home. I still wish his forever home was with Robert "Bobby" Nash and Athena Grant but it didn't work out. I'm also happy that Henrietta "Hen" Wilson passed her exam and is now a doctor. But it's bittersweet because although I know she will be a good doctor, she was amazing as a firefighter/paramedic. As for the only part that I found disappointing, it was with 9-1-1 Dispatcher Noah Carmack and his connection to the homes that were being robbed. I think that was a poorly written and recycled storyline that the showrunners and writers used last season with the new guy (Jonah Greenway) turning out the be bad.

However, unlike Jonah, Noah wasn't really bad, he got himself in a bad and desperate situation trying to help his family after his step-father got in debt to some bad guys. They not only beat up Noah's step-father but threatened to hurt his mother as well if he didn't figure out a way to pay them back. Noah was in a lose-lose situation and I wish there had been some sympathy given towards him because he was a nice guy who was desperate and in over his head. There was no need for Maddie Buckley to be wired to entrap him because he willingly told her everything. There was also no reason to handcuff him and walk him out of dispatch like that, he was no threat especially since the viewers didn't see the actual bad guys who had guns get handcuffed. I'm not excusing what he did because it was wrong to give information to the bad guys but he wasn't some criminal mastermind or kingpin, he just unfortunately made a bad decision. I really didn't see the point in introducing yet another new character and have them turn out to be bad, that's lazy writing. And a waste of a good actor because Alfonso Caballero would have been a perfect addition to dispatch especially since May Grant is no longer working there now that she's in college.

Anyway, for tonight's episode Tomorrow, I'm hoping it will be good but I really hope they don't kill off Dr. Karen Wilson. Fans and viewers (myself included) have been asking (if not begging) for Karen to get more scenes and screentime but not if it results in the character being killed off. I also hope Hen (or should I say Dr. Henrietta "Hen" Wilson) can deal with being on the sidelines and not being able to do anything to rescue Karen and their son Denny now that she's not a firefighter/paramedic. But from the trailer it looks like she somehow was allowed to do CPR on her wife (at least that's who I think it is). Again, I really don't want Karen to be killed off. I always feel like killing off characters (even if the actors want to leave a show) is lazy writing used for shock value instead of writing a really good ending for the character to send them off. Anyway, I can't wait to watch tonight's episode.

9-1-1 season 6 episode 6: Tomorrow                                 8:00 PM EST                                                 FOX


Hen fears for Karen's life when an explosion rocks her science lab on the day she brings Denny to work with her.

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