Thursday, July 20, 2023

Art of the Day: Buck and Eddie

Artwork: Date by Angela (edits.archive)

I like this artwork or edit of Evan "Buck" Buckley and Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz on a date. It's really cute, the closest they've gotten in the show is an unofficial date in the sixth season episode Mixed Feelings which had both of them dressed in really nice suits while going to play poker. I think if they had them go on a date, it would have been the perfect surprise ending for the sixth season finale. Instead of how they ended it with Eddie and Buck ending up with the latest set of last minute lackluster love interests.

This artwork makes me wish that whenever the Studios finally offer the Writers and Actors a fair contract, that when 9-1-1 returns for the seventh season the Showrunner and writers will finally put Buck and Eddie together. It makes no sense narrative wise to keep putting Buck and Eddie in relationships with bland and boring love interests instead of putting them together. If the show had introduced Edith instead of Eddie during the second season who was still an army veteran with a child. And her and Buck still had the same amazing chemistry and went through all the same experiences that Buck and Eddie had gone through in the show, there's no doubt that Edith and Buck would have been together by the third or fourth season.

But since Eddie is a guy, the amazing chemistry him and Buck have together is ignored in favor of random bland and boring love interests. I do have to wonder how many more underdeveloped, bland and boring love interests will they continue to introduce until they realize that they already created Buck and Eddie to be the perfect love interest for each other?

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