Monday, September 4, 2023

The Story of Athena Grant and Bobby Nash (Video)

Happy 9-1-1 Monday!

I've said it before but I feel like the creators of 9-1-1 lucked up on casting Angela Bassett and Peter Krause as Athena Grant and Robert "Bobby" Nash because they have amazing chemistry together. For 9-1-1 Monday, I wanted to post this really amazing video that was made by Killiarious Youtube. It's a little long (a little over 35 minutes) but it's very well made and has scenes from seasons 1-5 that focus on Athena and Bobby's relationship.

What I like about their relationship is that they are both older characters who knew what they wanted out of a relationship. So there was no need for any one to play games or be indecisive of what they want. And Athena as a divorcee and Bobby as a widower who both work in highly stressful first responder jobs, ended up finding each other and getting to experience love for a second time. Earlier in the first season, they already knew each other but it wasn't a real or deep connection. They were more like acquaintances that were on their way to becoming good friends. Throughout the first season, there were little moments between them that on the surface didn't amount to much that is until the surprise ending with Athena and Bobby going on a date. The second season is when you really get to see them explore their relationship and grow from there.

Through all six seasons of the show, it's been shown that Athena and Bobby have the kind of relationship that can pretty much weather the storm so to speak. They have their ups and downs and in spite of that, they continue to fight for the love they have.

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