Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Happy National Coming Out Day!

I want to say that no matter if you’re out, considering coming out or in the closet. As an ally, I want to let you know that you are so worthy of being celebrated, loved and appreciated.

Coming out is however you decide it to be. It's an undertaking of accepting who you are in this world. Today's holiday is to celebrate the power of figuring out and celebrating who you are. There is no timeline or set date to coming out. And no one should ever make you feel forced to do so. The main thing is you make the decision.

As a reminder, it's okay if you're not ready or ever feel like your ready, to come out. Again, it should be your CHOICE. I feel like no one should feel or be forced to share their sexuality with anyone. It may be National Coming Out Day, but I want to specifically send some love to anyone who is not ready (or will be able to) come out today. Don't feel pressure to come out, you should only do it when you're ready. There is also the option of never coming out. Again it's your decision.

Whatever you choose to do. Do it for yourself and in your own time. Happy National Coming Out Day!

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