Friday, November 3, 2023

Fandom Friday: Random Fandom Thoughts #38: Buck and Eddie, The Marvels and The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Happy Fandom Friday! Yeah, I know, I haven't posted one in a while. Well, here are just a couple of my random fandom thoughts:

- I believe 9-1-1's Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz and Evan "Buck" Buckley deserve a grand love story just like the rest of the main characters and their relationships: Athena Grant and Robert "Bobby" Nash, Henrietta "Hen" and Dr. Karen Wilson and Howard "Chimney" Han and Maddie Buckley. And those last minute lackluster love interests that were introduced for Buck and Eddie at the end of the sixth season are not it. Buck and Eddie being together is the epic and grand love story they so truly deserve.

I really have no interest in seeing more of those bland and boring love interests in the upcoming seventh season. What was the point of introducing two weird new love interests at the last minute at the end of the sixth season? The only reason I can think of, is so they can continue to not put Buck and Eddie together despite the writing creating a perfect build up for it. I guess it's just disappointing and bad writing that the Showrunner and writers would rather go out of their way to force Eddie and Buck in relationships with weird love interests they have no chemistry with than following the show's own narrative and putting them together.

(9-1-1 season 6 episode 13: Mixed Feelings)

- I can't wait to see The Marvels, it looks like it's going to be a really fun movie. It also looks like Captain Marvel, Spectrum and Ms. Marvel may have met their match with this new villain, Dar-Benn. And it certainly doesn't help that all three heroes powers are all wonky. I'm sure they will eventually figure out a way to stop Dar-Benn. But will there be a cost? Not to be forgotten I can't wait to see Nick Fury and see what he's up to in this story. The Marvels is released in theatres Friday, November 10th.

(The Marvels)

- I've been thinking of rewatching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. It's really been awhile since I've watched this show, I can't even remember the last time I actually watched it. I do remember this show had a different take on Sarah Connor and her son John compared to the versions that were shown in the movies. And as far as I can remember, I don't think it was a bad take. The show could also be seen as an alternate universe since I believe some things didn't quite add up to the movies' timeline of events. Anyway, maybe I'll watch a few episodes this weekend.

(Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles)

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