Monday, August 25, 2014

Readers' Questions: Arrow TV series and Lois & Clark

I was delighted to find I had two questions from readers. If you have a question you would like ask me, please e-mail me at:

Here are the questions:

First question from SunshineGirl:

A friend talked me into watching Arrow. Didn't think I would like it (no offense I'm not into comic book stuff). Was wondering what you think of the show?

Well SunshineGirl, I tried watching the show when it first premiered but I really couldn't get into it. I even attempted to try watching it again since the first season is on Netflix but I find the acting to be really bad as well as some of the storylines. I don't really like this take on Green Arrow or any of the other characters on the show.

However, I've heard the series does get better but I haven't decided if I'm going to give it a third attempt to see if it does.

Second question from SeXyNerdGirl88:

I HATE that stupid Superman/Wonder Woman so called relationship. I know you're a fan of Lois and Clark, do you think they will ever date is this F*$D UP New 52?

SeXyNerdGirl88 I couldn't agree with you more in regards to this relationship. As for Lois and Clark dating in the New 52, your guess is as good as mine. With the attitude some of the executives over at DC Comics seem to have towards Lois Lane I'm not going to hold my breath that it will be soon. And with the way they are trying so hard to promote that fauxmance who knows how long they will tire of the pairing.

I for one hope it's soon because it makes no sense for both Clark and Diana to keep pining over other people while being in a relationship together.

I'm not sure if you read Smallvill Season 11 if not give it a read. It's a good series and it's one of the only series where Lois and Clark are still together. I truly recommend picking up the first volume, it's worth reading.

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