Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Entertainment: No More Superman for the DCEU but what about Lois Lane?

The news has been breaking that Henry Cavill will not be returning as Superman which is sad to hear. Although, I wasn't initially the biggest fan of this version of Superman with how the character was shown in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman but I did like how he was portrayed in Justice League. I thought the character was finally heading in the right direction and that there would be more Superman movies in the works.

However, I guess that's not to be, well at least not with Cavill as Superman. But I can't help wondering what will happen to Lois Lane? Because in all the news that I have seen so far, there hasn't been any word about what will happen to Amy Adams. Which makes me think that she wasn't even a factor in the negotiations between Henry Cavill and Warner Bros. The Superman story is not only about Clark Kent/Superman but Lois Lane as well which is why the negotiation process should not have hinged on making a deal with Cavill without Amy Adams included in the process.

Just because Henry Cavill is out as Superman I don't think Lois Lane and Amy Adams should be discarded because they are both too good to lose. Although, I doubt it will happen but if there is a third Wonder Woman movie it would be so cool if Lois Lane (Amy Adams) was featured in it. As well as featuring her in other DC Comics movies and maybe even giving Lois her own movie.

It's sad to see the end of this world of Superman WB/DC Comics were trying to create but what annoys me is that they were trying so hard to play catch up with Marvel instead of taking their time to create something good that they didn't think things through in regards to the DC Extended Universe. Because it feels like they are now sort of cutting their losses since the DCEU didn't do as well as they expected. And with no more Superman appearing in the movies (at least for now) the only way fans will be able to see Superman and Lois Lane we be on the upcoming Arrowverse crossover on The CW.

What do you think, is this the end for Lois and Clark for the movies? or should Lois continue to be featured throughout the DCEU?

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