Monday, September 25, 2023

9-1-1 Monday: Howard Han and Maddie Buckley

Before I begin my post for 9-1-1 Monday, I want to say how happy I am for the writers to have albeit a tentative agreement but an agreement nonetheless. And they are steps closer to finalizing their deal. I wish them continued success. I also wish that once everything is settled for the actors, that once 9-1-1 returns to production the show will get a new and much more competent, skilled and experienced Showrunner and better writers. Ever since Kristen Reidel took over as the main Showrunner for the fifth season (she was co-Showrunner during the fourth), 9-1-1 has suffered from her terrible ability to run the show.

I truly support the writers in fighting for a fair deal but that doesn't mean I can't comment on how this once well-written show has been plagued by bad, mediocre and inconsistent writing every since the fifth season (and some would say the fourth season as well). So, I hope that along with a new Showrunner there will be better writers brought in to get the show back to the good writing it used to have. Because most of the sixth season felt like it was phoned in with the season being filled with nothing more than filler episodes. And not to mention that terrible season finale that was a disappointment on so many levels.

So with that said, it's time for 9-1-1 Monday. I want to focus on Howard "Chimney" Han and Maddie Buckley. It's been such a joy watching their relationship go from friendship to romance. As a fan of Chimney and Maddie (or Madney as this ship is called), I really want to thank Jennifer Love Hewitt who plays Maddie. Because according to reports, when Maddie was introduced in the second season, they were planning on putting her with another newly introduced character fire fighter Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz. But thanks to her suggesting that Maddie should be with Chimney instead, the perfect romance was crafted. I can't imagine if they had gone with Maddie and Eddie because it's truly hard to imagine. I can't see them having any romantic chemistry. While Maddie and Chimney have amazing instant chemistry. And whether it goes canon or not, the same can be said for Evan "Buck" Buckley and Eddie who have equally amazing chemistry.

(9-1-1 season 2 episode 8: Buck, Actually)

Prior to being with each other, Maddie and Chimney had been in bad relationships especially Maddie. But neither one of those relationships held any real love. Chimney was pretending to be someone he wasn't to impress Tatiana who didn't love him at all. While Maddie was trapped in an abusive marriage to Doug Kendall. A rejected proposal and car accident finally made Chimney aware that his relationship with Tatiana was doomed and never held any meaning. Meanwhile, it would take some time but Maddie would eventually escape, she left Hershey, Pennsylvania and made her way to Los Angeles, California where her little brother Buck lived. And since Chimney is Buck's friend and co-worker, it didn't take long before he met Maddie.

They met in the second season sixth episode Dosed, Maddie had recently moved into a new apartment. So, while Buck and Eddie were moving in her furniture, Chimney was helping her set up her new security system. Here's the funny thing, after Eddie and Chimney went to the kitchen for pizza and beers, Maddie told Buck "He is so cute". But for some reason, Buck thought she was talking about Eddie. Because his response was "Yeah, he gets that a lot. Uh, you should meet his kid, though." And she replies with "Wait, Chimney has a kid?". Like dude, she was not talking about Eddie, just because you think he's cute doesn't mean she does. Especially since Eddie had gone to the kitchen while she was still talking to Chimney before he joined Eddie in the kitchen. Did Buck not see the smile on her face while she was talking to Chimney or was he too busy looking at Eddie to notice. Maddie's admission left Buck stunned because he couldn't believe his sister was talking about Chimney and not Eddie.

Anyway, what I love about Chimney and Maddie is that despite there being an attraction between them, they became friends first before anything romantic happened. The intimacy they built was so soft and sweet. They were getting to know each other and were quickly becoming a part of each other's lives. There was a moment before they started dating that I love. Chimney had made hot mustard for Maddie because he knew how much she loved it. The restaurant they usually ordered their takeout from would usually forget to pack it. So, he made it for her. To me, it's always the small things like that which shows how much someone cares about you. Everything about their friendship and the start of their relationship was so sweet but it would grow into something very wonderful and special.

Although, there were several big issues that threatened their relationship such as Doug abducting Maddie and stabbing Chimney in the second season. To Maddie's Postpartum Depression following the birth of their daughter Jee-Yun during the fourth season and Maddie leaving due to it early in the fifth season. Chimney being concerned about Maddie went looking for her and he eventually found her in Boston, Massachusetts. Although, they broken up a little after they reunited, it was easy to see that they would get back together. Because the love they have for each never went away. So, it wasn't a surprise when they got back together in the sixth season premiere episode Let the Games Begins. They ended up getting engaged during the sixth season in the 17th episode Love is in the Air. However, I still wish it wasn't tied to the tax storyline. Because it made it seem like that was one of the main reasons why they got engaged because an accountant suggested it. Although, the writers in the sixth season 16 episode Lost & Found had Chimney say to his best friend Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, "If I bring it up now, she's gonna think it's 'cause that accountant brought it up. It's like that guy beat me to the punch." See, this is why their engagement should not have been tied to taxes.

The writers should have been able to write an engagement storyline that didn't need a running gag of a missing ring or tied to taxes. Chimney and Maddie have such a beautiful love story and that should have been the only reason for why they would get engaged.

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