Monday, October 9, 2023

9-1-1 Monday: Why are Evan Buckley and Edmundo Diaz not together?

Happy 9-1-1 Monday!

This is my final post about the four main couples. Evan "Buck" Buckley and Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz (or Buddie as the ship is called) may not be canon, however, they are the most popular ship from the series. And for all intents and purposes, they are considered canon by so many fans and viewers. And it hasn't gone unnoticed that the writers use romantic tropes within the storylines for them. I think there is something so wonderful and special about their relationship that is so much more than just friendship. And it makes me wonder why are they not a couple?

(9-1-1 season 3 episode 9: Fallout)

At this point, it actually feels like the Showrunner and writers are actively choosing to make bad writing decisions to avoid putting Buck and Eddie together. Narrative wise it makes so much sense to put them together because they both seem to be on this journey to find real love. And from the beginning they have been written to be each others perfect love interest. However, the writers continue to make an effort to avoid following through with it, which has resulted in storylines making absolutely no sense.

With the horrible way they keep introducing new and random lackluster love interests for Buck and Eddie, it's become so glaringly obvious that the Showrunner and writers would rather force in these love interests as a way to continue their efforts to avoid putting them together. Which includes the last minute love interests that were introduced at the end of the sixth season as one of the worst examples of bad writing. Why force two new love interests who have zero chemistry to be with Buck and Eddie? It made no sense, when they could simply create a beautiful and meaningful romance between Eddie and Buck instead.

The foundation for it is already there, it wouldn't be difficult to transition their friendship to something romantic. They already have an emotional, trusting and intimate connection that they never seem to have with any of their love interests. Their relationship presents an ideal opportunity to explore other types of queer relationships that haven’t really been represented on screen. There is a growing fan theory that Buck is bisexual because there are scenes that seem to reinforce that. As for Eddie, perhaps his sexuality is undefined and it's simply that he truly just loves Buck and not necessarily interested in anyone else.

I said it before, but if either Buck or Eddie were a woman they would have already been together by the third or fourth season. I keep thinking about what Ravi Panikkar said in the fifth season 18th episode Starting Over. He said, "Isn't that what we all want in a partner? Knowing they have your back?" He said that in response to Buck who had been avoiding talking to his girlfriend Taylor Kelly because they were at odds due to her being unethical regarding her job. Anyway, what Ravi said made me think back to what Buck and Eddie said to each other in the second season first episode Under Pressure. It was after they successfully removed a bomb from an elderly man's leg and they said the following:

Eddie: You could have my back any day.

Buck: Or you could have mine.

(9-1-1 season 2 episode 1: Under Pressure)

Ravi's words truly makes the viewer think back to what Eddie and Buck said to each other in the second season. This was the start of their friendship that would continue to grow into an amazing connection. Plus, I couldn't help noticing how instantly smitten they were with each other as soon as they exchanged those words.

Also not to mention in the same fifth season episode Starting Over, Buck talked to his older sister Maddie and described what he thought love was. He said, Is that really love? Right? Sh-Shouldn’t it be when you’re at your worst, they’re at their worst, you have every reason to give up, and you still decide you want to try again? And that perfectly described his relationship with Eddie. Because those two have had a few hiccups along the way but they never truly give up on each other. They are always there for each other and being so caring and supportive. Despite having girlfriends (and a wife in Eddie's case) throughout the series, those relationship never held a candle to what they have with each other. After everything that's happened between them throughout the series, the only way their love journey could end is with each other. There is no other romantic ending for them that would be as satisfying.

So why are Eddie and Buck not together? What is stopping the Showrunner and writers from writing the epic romance that both Buck and Eddie have been searching for? They have some of the most amazing chemistry, it would be a waste to continue to ignore it in favor of forcing them into yet another set of lackluster relationships with random love interests instead of each other.

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