Saturday, April 20, 2024

Comparison and Foreshadow: Tim and Lucy (The Rookie) and Buck and Eddie (9-1-1)

I love when similarities are pointed out between characters or relationships. These scenes are just so interesting from the similar phrases to the way they were filmed. I want to thank livelovecaliforniadreams for putting these scenes together.

The phrasing of Timothy "Tim" Bradford words to Lucy Chen in The Rookie episode Day in the Hole (season 4 episode 22) was so right on the nose. It was foreshadowing, that's for sure. Although, Tim was talking about them being better prepared for undercover work. It perfectly fit their then current situation where their relationship was slowly progressing towards something romantic. However, they needed more time for it to develop which would give it more depth and meaning. They would eventually go canon in the fifth season.

The same can be said for the phrasing of what Evan "Buck" Buckley said to Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz in the 9-1-1 episode You Don't Know Me (season 7 episode 5). Buck might have been referring to Eddie being at work early but it also perfectly goes with Eddie being too early as Buck's love interest. Although, Buck recently realized he was bisexual, Eddie still hasn't figured out his sexuality just yet. So unfortunately it's still too soon for them to get together. But I really hope this is foreshadowing for Buck and and Eddie and it will eventually lead to them going canon.

gif source: livelovecaliforniadreams

(The Rookie season 4 episode 22: Day in the Hole)
(9-1-1 season 7 episode 5: You Don't Know Me)

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